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The new brides choose the ECHO for their wedding trousseau

An original idea for your wedding outfit? Many brides are conscientiously focusing on ' echo and fashion, even that of linen, is coming out to them with ideas very original like the sheets of wood of “Fiocco di legno”, a brand of Treviso born from a secret blend of canadian woods: their properties create a fiber that exceeds the boundaries of natural fibres.

It is precisely from the painstaking workmanship of master spinners that the various types of woods interacting with each other creating this magical fiber that has the softness of silk and cashmere and the freshness of linen and other beneficial properties.The slight hairiness of fiber and a plot that sometimes presents irregular strokes are specialties that enhance the quality of fiber absolutely Made in Italy. The collection of the wood is in perfect harmony with nature; the fiber once arrived at the plant in Treviso is a specially designed microclimate to create the right balance of humidity and temperature in an ideal microclimate for fiber preparation and processing.

Once the fiber, the weaving is done with special frames for this particular type of fabric. The natural fibre is made from 100% cellulose derived from wood of white pine is great to regularize the humidity inside the body while resting and it's ideal for people suffering from rheumatism.Soft and pleasant to the touch, it is easy to wash. “Fiocco di legno” is an Italian product absolutely guaranteed, without pesticides, insecticides, herbicides and chemical fertilizers. Thermoregulator and breathable, absorbent and antiodour, it can absorb the 35% more humidity than cotton.

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