Fashion News:

A space out of the box

It's from quite a whie that the bathroom is not used as conventional needs but its becoming more and more like a place to live and find your relax in your home and in fact in this way it can show of the houseowner. The last trends 2018 are pushing the nuance dark with the introduction of dark colors to dose wisely in order not to give an idea of heaviness and more like not to give an idea of a small place.

Refined metal works are not the only solution to enlight the ambient, instead it's wall paper-mania. In vivid prints, even iridescent to darkness and naturally totally waterproof and against dump: in this way the wall paper breaks through the walls of the bathroom as well and thanks its visual appeal it's perfect to combined with every bathroom accessory, other modern other retrò. In such a way it will give the magic touch of unicity to the bathroom zone.

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