Fashion News:

The World of Anna Sui

Fashion and Textile Museum in London will hosts until the next 1 october 2017 the retrospective “The World of Anna Sui”. It's the firts time that a retrospective is dedicated by this museum to an american designer.

Anna Sui, of chinese origin but born in Detroit, since her first fashion show in 1991 has shaped not only the clothing, fabrics, accessories and the world of beauty and design but also the course of the entire history of fashion with its iconic garments, so funny and irreverent, perfect expression of a unique and very personal language that is so alive and powerfull thanks contrasting colors, shapes and sihluette stolen to streetwear for transforming them in an absolutely original pret à couture, among with her advertising campaign forerver belonging to the fashion hystory because she never need to use testimonial because she enjois creating locations, moods and atmospheres absolutely dreamy, a little dark in pure Tim Burton style, but always characterized by surprising effects for a moder Alice in Wonderland.


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